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Welcome to Shepherd of the Hill’s website!

Shepherd of the Hills is an ELCA Lutheran church located in beautiful Flagstaff, AZ. We are thrilled that you have come to check out our online presence! We strive to be a welcoming community which focuses on meaningful worship, community outreach, and healthy relationships.

The menu for this site is built to contain all the basic information. However, if you would like more information or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us on our Contact Us Page or call (928) 774-4832.

God’s peace to you!

For the most current worship times and news, please read the weekly newsletter by clicking here.

One-Service Celebration Sundays!

Mark your calendars and join us for two one-service Sundays!

September 8th - 10:00AM - Rally Sunday
The Tale of the Johns and the Waynes - Come to the small town of Burning Bush, Arizona and be a part of the (in)famous conflict between the John Family and the Wayne Clan! BBQ and games to follow afterwards at 11:00AM

September 29th - 10:00AM - Youth Service
Come to a service designed and lead by our youth! They will be focusing on tales of unity and connection!