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Youth Education

We believe it is vital for the future of our community to raise children who have been educated in God’s Word and learned that they have a place among God’s family. Below are a few pieces that we offer for the youth that gather here. Through Middle School Confirmation classes, High School youth group, and engaging children’s messages during worship, we strive
to engage our youth, to deepen faith, grow in community, and participate with the Gospel. If you have any further questions about youth education, please contact our youth director on our Contact Us page.

  • Nursery – We provide a staffed nursery during worship.  We are constantly trying to improve how our youngest brothers and sisters in Christ experience ‘church.’  Currently, we are working on integrating simple, educational activities into the nursery time.
  • Sunday School – Sunday School is provided between services for Kindergarten through fifth grade.  Kids and parents are welcome to stop-in and experience Sunday School!
  • Confirmation – Our middle school youth spend time between Sunday services and on Wednesday nights deepening their faith.  They learn with Pastor Adam and grow with each other and their families.
  • Youth Group – The high school youth meet between Sunday services and at other times during the month for fun and service. We also gather for different events throughout the year, such as laser tag, serving meals, summer camp, baking cookies, and more! You can find these events on our Church Calendar.
  • High School – Wednesdays from 6:15-8:15 pm We gather at 5:15 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month to serve a meal at Hope Cottage Wednesday evenings to have conversation, explore our beliefs and have fun!
  • Middle School – Wednesdays from 5-6:45 pm (dinner served at 6:15 pm)